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Author Archives: csr 1686

What is the best wheelchair brand in America and why?

  When you’re looking for wheelchair brands, you may notice there are a wide range of different brands such as Karman, Invacare, Drive Medical, and Medline. But which one is the best wheelchair brand in America? It all depends on the combination of price point, product weight and functions, along with your individual needs. Many […]

What will you do when you end up in a wheelchair?

When you end up in a wheelchair, the first thing that might come to mind is how do you accept the life-changing event in your life. Learning that you will have to utilize a wheelchair for your daily mobility may seem dreadful or hard to grasp. In the beginning, it is not an easy chance […]

How Manual Wheelchairs Work

Most manual wheelchairs are used as mobility aids and are self-propelled. Manual wheelchairs are propelled by turning the wheels by hand usually by pushing on the round bars that surround the wheels called the “push rim.” There are also handles on the back so it can be pushed by another person. When using a manual […]

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

NETWORK: Universal Pictures Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the fifth and most recent installment in the Jurassic Park film series. Released in 2018, the film is directed by J.A. Bayona and stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jeff Goldblum. The film is the sequel following the 2015 blockbuster, Jurassic World (distributed by Universal Pictures, […]

Ways to Lose Weight in a Wheelchair

    Losing weight in a wheelchair is done through diet and exercise. While it seems like a daunting task for wheelchair-users in comparison to others, it is possible. It’s a simple matter of willpower and determination. Many wheelchair-users found that the best way to begin to lose weight was making dietary changes. Exercise is […]

Can People in Wheelchairs Travel?

  Can people in wheelchairs travel? Many of the general public do not think that people in wheelchairs can travel, however, this is simply not true. Yes, it does require some extra planning and for many wheelchair users, a companion. Some might believe that it would be a nuisance to travel with a wheelchair user […]

Android Accessible apps for the Disabled

Android apps

Accessible apps The previous post featured an apple only product that was wheelchair proactive. Now, we will share android some love. Everyone also knows what an android is since they are a household name across the globe, they are not very expensive unless you try to buy a phone or a product that recently came […]

Apples New Wheelchair App

Apples new watch

Apples new Wheelchair app Apple is trying to improve accessibility across all of its products. Being apple they have millions of consumers and just about everyone you know currently owns an iPhone or an Apple product. They have hit the mainstream so hard that people started businesses because of the iPhone product. You probably already […]

Quadriplegics and the use of Google Home

Quadriplegic Usage

Google Home for Quadriplegics If you never heard of google home then you are missing out. Google home can be a disabled person’s best friend literally. You literally can have a basic conversation with the thing. You can ask it many things from the web that you would normally search on google. If you have […]

Interacting with a wheelchair user

Interacting users

Tips to Help Interact with Wheelchair Users In today’s article, we will go over some tips on how you can interact with a wheelchair user because some people feel they need to know if there are specific ways of interacting with. Now, you may already have a family member or a close friend that is […]