Is your current worn-out wheelchair difficult to maneuver? If you travel, do your family and friends have a problem picking up your wheelchair to transport it? Perhaps it’s time you checked out a lightweight wheelchair.

You will definitely discover that they are comfortable and secure, and it’s likely you will have extra practical functions with this chair compared to the kinds you had previously. Can you tell what to look for in a lightweight wheelchair? You might be glad to know that it is possible to get premium quality wheelchairs at terrific prices.

To begin with you’ll need to verify if your insurance plan pays for the new wheelchair. Medicare will cover several power chairs, as long as you have Medicare, you will get a lower price. Other kinds of wheelchairs are included in supplementary health care insurances, therefore even without Medicare, you might be able to get the chair you desire at a discounted price.

Properly Choosing a New Wheelchair

You should talk about your new wheelchair with your physical therapist. He’ll be qualified to let you know the type of chair that suits to your preferences. For instance, if your legs tend to be enlarged and painful, you’ll want a wheelchair with an adaptable footrest that will ensure the most convenience.

Should you work in an office environment, you may find that your wheelchair hand rests prevent you from getting as near to your workspace as you might like, therefore you probably want your new chair to include armrests that fold back. One more thing you ought to ask your physical therapist is which chairs would best support your weight.

Great Options for Manual Chairs

Guardian’s Easy Care wheelchair might be a great option for your needs. It is a sturdy, strong chair which will easily hold an individual as much as 250 lbs. It also has detachable armrest pads and leg rests that open out for convenience of moving into and out of the wheelchair.

At just 35 lbs., it could be just the chair you’re trying to find. Another excellent wheelchair is the Invacare Tracer SX5. It just weighs 34 lbs., and can carry 300 lbs. The chair seat, armrests, and foot rests are adjustable for convenience, and individuals who have used this chair really like it.

Remember, make sure you speak with your insurance provider to see how much they’ll cover for your new wheelchair so that you’ll see how much money you need to put together for the purchase. You will discover owner’s guides for most wheelchairs on the internet, to help you find out more about them prior to buying.


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