Wheelchair Rentals: Rent or Buy?

If you are going to be bound to a wheelchair, you will have to either rent or buy one. As a disabled person, this will probably be one of the most expensive purchases you will have to make. This could be problematic if they didn’t get enough from medical insurance or if they don’t have the funds to buy one on their own.

Rent or buy?

Which option is better for your needs?

If you don’t have the money on hand to buy one outright, the only other choice is to rent one

In cases where the user is unsure how long they would be needing the wheelchair, this a better option. If the user was in an accident or only needs the chair for a few months, renting is the better choice.

Consulting Your Doctor

You should talk to your doctor before going ahead with either option. You doctor’s input is critical when selecting the wheelchair that is most appropriate for your needs. If you think you will be active and have the strength to push yourself, a manual wheelchair might be better for you.

Alternatively, you might need to use an electric wheelchair for a while before going on to a manual one. Whatever your needs might be, discuss them with your doctor.

When To Rent

There are a couple of scenarios where renting might be the better option. For example, if you are travelling, you might want to rent a wheelchair instead of taking the one you use daily.

Traveling on a cruise is another situation where it might be better to rent a wheelchair. Cruises nowadays are very accessible and because of this they have become the preferred mode of travel for people with disabilities.

You will need the right type of wheelchair to board a cruise. There are many speciality wheelchair offered by various companies that are specially designed to be used at sea.

Benefits Of Renting

In those scenarios renting a wheelchair is a much better option. You can arrange to have it ready when you arrive at your destination. It is a convenient and an inexpensive way to maintain your mobility when traveling and it will save you the hassle of lugging around your cumbersome wheelchair with you on your trip.

Therefore renting instead of buying a wheelchair will not only save you money, it will also help you to remain mobile when you travel.


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