Folding Wheelchairs: Provide Freedom of Movement

If you are in the market for a wheelchair, you will quickly discover all the various kinds that are available. One of the most popular ones is the folding wheelchair. Even wheelchair athletes that take part in sports like basketball and wheelchair races usually use a folding wheelchair when they compete.

The folding wheelchair provides greater access and freedom of movement while being more comfortable and versatile at the same time.

Folding Wheelchair Benefits

If you closely look at a wheelchair, you might be surprised just how complicated it is and the number of moving parts it has. During its life time, a folding wheelchair undergoes numerous stresses and strains similar to any other wheelchair. But folding wheelchairs are not built rigidly, which is an advantage when it comes to making repairs if something goes wrong.

Folding wheelchairs have an additional advantage because they are more portable compared to regular wheelchairs. The folding wheelchair can easily be folded down and easily stored in a car trunk. 

This is a major advantage over wheelchairs that cannot be folded, which will also need a van, ramp and other equipment in order to get it into a vehicle. This is not nearly as convenient as a folding wheelchair.

Also when the folding wheelchair isn’t being used, it can be folded and stored away. Folding wheelchairs are ideal for users who don’t have lots of upper body strength and they can easily make use of the chair and move it around.

Folding Vertical Wheelchair

Someone with lots of experience with wheelchairs will probably tell you to go with the vertical X-frame folding wheelchair. This chair is very convenient when it comes to transporting and storage because of its thin and compact design.

Obviously nothing is perfect and The American Medical Association stated there are some stability problems with the X-frame. The X-frame was designed to fold to one side, down the middle of the back as opposed to folding forward.

Not the Best Design

This design reduces stability once the chair is opened. Because of the AMA findings, most wheelchair suppliers have removed the X-frames from their product list. With that being said, it remains a very popular wheelchair because the design is simple, strong and functional.

Hopefully you or a loved one will never have a need for a wheelchair, but if you do, the folding wheelchair is a great option.


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