Considerations For Students Who Use Wheelchairs

Tips On Students Who Need Wheelchairs

Students in wheelchairs often face another obstacle aside from being disabled. It’s the way they’re treated by their fellow peers. Aside from being different already, students in wheel chairs often feel patronized and enveloped. Like all humans, students in wheelchairs simply want to be treated equally. Of course they know they’re different but like any child they want a sense of normalcy sometimes.

Dealing With Students In Wheelchairs

Always remember that when having a conversation longer than a few sentences, make sure to talk to them at their level. The student will appreciate that you took the effort to talk them face to face. The student shouldn’t ever feel as if he/she can’t do something. The wheelchair is there so they can participate in activities that they otherwise would not be able to.

Assisting Students Who Use Wheelchairs

Make sure the classroom is accessible to wheelchair students. Make sure the isles are clean of any clutter that may be prohibiting them from moving. Tables and desks should be placed evenly enough so that there is room for a wheelchair to pass between them. Always note that small, crammed classrooms would only make the situation more difficult by severely restricting the mobility of the disabled student.












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