Your Guide to Choosing an MS Wheelchair

If mobility has become an issue for you, there is a large variety of medical equipment that can assist you in your daily life. You should do research before going through the process of purchasing a chair.

One of the biggest obstacles for people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is the idea of losing independence. Many potential chair users have legitimate concerns about their freedom while on a wheelchair.

Since MS is a degenerative disease, it can get harder and harder to get around in a chair. This is not always the case with every person; some will retain the ability to walk, which would allow them some limited mobility.

Tools for Mobility Independence

With a wheelchair you are supplementing your mobility so that you can get around easier without asking for assistance. If you get used to riding a wheelchair, you will come to find out it is a tool that allows people to continue living independently, without having to rely so much on other people. Some other alternatives are available as well if you feel that you don’t require a wheelchair.

You can also look into walking aids, such as a cane or rolling walker. The choice depends on what your daily symptoms are, if you experience fatigue, balancing problems, or muscle weakness, you may require a manual wheelchair to get around at all times.

You’ve come to find out that there are many different types of mobility aids at your disposal, but it is still a difficult process to CHOOSE the right type of chair for your needs. The following information will make it just a little bit easier to choose the right chair for dealing with multiple sclerosis.

Types of Mobility Aids for MS


The frequency of your MS symptoms will determine whether you really need a wheelchair on a full-time basis. If you are often tired while walking, you feel that you lose your balance frequently, or you are feeling weakness in your extremities you will more than likely require a manual chair at all times.


The next best thing to a wheelchair, this product is used to a lesser extent. You will be using this type of product to assist you when you are walking around, it will aid your center of gravity allowing you to move constantly without falling over and exposing yourself to injury. Some walkers will come standard with four wheels, this allows the user to propel the walker a lot easier than it would be with for example, tennis balls on the front legs.


If you start to notice small or mild balance issues, or if you feel that one of your legs is in better shape than the other, you should try looking into a cane for mobility. A cane doesn’t offer the same support as the 2 products listed above, but it is usually very compact and portable, making it easier to travel with than any other mobility product available.


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