Wheelchairs are for People Who Are Dependent: Buy Them With Care

Price is often a major concern for most things we purchase. We often have a budget and we try to stick to that budget. But if you are buying a wheelchair, price shouldn’t be the primary consideration. You need to get the correct wheelchair for your purposes, one that has the ideal size, comfort level, weight and mobility.

The user of the wheelchair has to be given the most consideration when thinking about a wheelchair. The users are not weak because they need to use a wheelchair because of their age, illness or injury.

Rent it First, Then Buy It

Factors that are important when deciding on a wheelchair are the user’s height, weight, age, posture, physique and overall physical condition. Buying the latest model and most expensive wheelchair is not the way to go; always base your wheelchair decision making around the needs and condition of the user.

Before you make your final decision on a specific brand and type, you should rent the identical model for a few days and put it through your daily indoor and outdoor routine. If the user is happy and comfortable with the wheelchair, you can go ahead and buy it.

Manual or Power?

Wheelchairs come in two basic types – manual and power. Manual wheelchair get their propulsion from the user or someone pushing the user. Power wheelchairs are powered by batteries and a motor and are controlled using a joystick.

Wheelchairs have many different accessories like the foot, leg and arm rests, anti-tipping devices and automatic brakes. Additional accessories can make the wheelchair heavier and it might become cumbersome to take around with you.

If you are going to be doing lots of traveling, a wheelchair that folds is your best option. This makes transportation and storage easier and less of a headache.

Are You Ready?

When you are ready to purchase your wheelchair go with a reputable maker. The wheelchair has to be durable, lightweight, ride smoothly, easy to maneuver and should be able to travel on most terrains.

You will need to consider where you are going to be using the wheelchair the most. If you have to go to the doctor often, do you encounter any uneven terrain on the way? Are you allowed to use your wheelchair at the park? Some parks will only allow lightweight wheelchairs, so you will have to consider these things too.


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