WC-19 Standards

WC19 Wheelchair Safety Standard

Your safety should be a priority over anything else when choosing and buying a wheelchair. WC19 wheelchairs have a safety standard that is certified by RESNA. The WC-19 standards is a voluntary process that improves the security of the user when seated in their wheelchair. WC19 Wheelchairs are considered transit chairs, because they are certified to be used in a public and private vehicle. WC-19 Standard has a rigorous process that the wheelchair model must go through for the model to be certified.

WC-19 standards was created in the first place because there is no Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards for wheelchairs in the US. This means that a regulatory body had to be created in order to make sure that “transit wheelchairs” have the capability and security to be mounted on vehicle. RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) united to create a regulatory standard that is specifically catered towards Wheelchair Manufacturers in the US and the rest of North America.

Transit Wheelchairs

WC-19 Wheelchairs are sometimes referred to as “transit wheelchairs” because they are certified to be used in a vehicle. WC19 addresses the design and performance of wheelchairs when they are used as seats in motor vehicles. WC19 Standards are one of many voluntary standards in the United States, but WC19 is the first regulatory standard that deals with the use of wheelchairs in vehicles as seats.

The WC19 standard is based on the idea that the most effective method of securing a large variety of wheelchair types in both private and public vehicles, is to install a four point, strap tie-down system that secures the wheelchair in place.

Anchor Points

Anchor points come in different styles for different usage, the most common for WC19 is a four point, strapping system that allows the user to be sitting safely while in a motor vehicle.

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An association of people with an interest in technology and disability. Its mission statement notes that RESNA’s mission is to improve the potential of people with disabilities.

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What Is A WC-19 Standards Wheelchair?

Some users who travel frequently should have a certified WC-19 chair.

Contact us for more information regarding our suggestions for WC19 Wheelchairs.

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