Swollen Feet using Wheelchair

Do you suffer from swollen feet after using a wheelchair for long periods of time? You may want to try certain exercises to keep your feet from swelling up. Looking online some users recommend trying out compression stockings to improve blood circulation. Other people recommend changing your diet and lifestyle; this may directly affect your foot circulation. Another recommendation is to try acupuncture. This seems to be the most effective way to reduce swelling on the feet.


There is medicine that is thrown around in online conversations called “lasik” that may provide foot relief. Obviously you should check with your physician to make sure you are able to take any type of drug for these symptoms.


A simple exercise to know when suffering from swollen feet, you can try lifting your legs in the air to allow blood circulation to balance out. I read some instructions on a certain exercise that is recommended for swollen feet. If you are physically able to get on floor and back up (which I am not), this exercise for swollen ankles might work for you: Lie on the floor, rest your legs against a wall and slowly rotate your ankles in circles for two minutes. Next, massage your calves, rubbing down toward your heart for two minutes before standing. Since I’m unable to get on floor, while in bed I raise my leg by holding it up with my hands. From this position I can do the ankle circles and massage. Doing this exercise, watching your salt intake, wearing compression stockings and elevating while sitting can alleviate painful, swollen ankles. Hope this helps.

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