Power Assist Wheelchairs and Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic nerve condition caused by the damage of nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. Typical symptoms might include debilitation of muscular dexterity and extreme fatigue. Since the disease is progressive in nature, many sufferers don’t require a wheelchair at all, some will at some point while others might need it right away.

Sufferers who require a wheelchair in order to remain mobile should keep the following factors in mind. Ordering a wheelchair without carefully considering the needs of the user can have a negative long term impact.

MS can make some everyday tasks seem impossible. With the right wheelchair, they can resume some of their regular activities.

Wheelchair Recommendations for MS Sufferers: Retaining Circulation

The main way of stimulating circulation for the patient is by pushing the wheelchair..

  • With a power wheelchair, movement is controlled with a joystick. There isn’t much chance of increasing circulation in this kind of wheelchair since they don’t have to push the move the wheelchair.
  • Alternatively, manual wheelchairs are moved by the user. Although circulation will be increased, stress injuries can be a result and be even more harmful to those with MS. Pushing a manual wheelchair can adversely affect the elbows, shoulders, wrists and hands with time. The stress injuries might result in problems like muscle tears, carpal tunnel or joint damage.
  • Power assist wheelchairs provide a boost for patients who don’t have strong upper bodies. The computer motor knows precisely how much assistance to provide and will help to provide circulation and minimize stress injuries..

Wheelchair Customization

Customized wheelchairs provide daily comfort to MS sufferers. The Tailwind power-assist wheelchair has customizable options like seat widths, camber, seat dump, adjustable center of gravity position and frame angles. These customizable features maximize range of motion and daily functions.

Maintaining Mobility and Freedom

All wheelchairs are different, with the main differences being manual, power assist or full powered. Users might not be aware of the mobility they offer. Once you understand these differences, it will help you to make a more informed decision and reduces problems later on.

  • Power wheelchairs are heavy, bulky and difficult to maneuver in small areas. Transporting a power wheelchair long distances can be fairly expensive.
  • A manual wheelchair is relatively lighter but there is no motorized assistance. The user will have to be pushed if they are not strong enough to push themselves. The users who can push are often fatigued and experience stress injuries.
  • The power assist wheelchair gives the ideal balance of style and power. The user can maintain circulation by pushing and the assist kicks in when needed.


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