In Search of the Best Wheelchairs

You never know what life is going to throw your way. Even though we never think we are going to need a wheelchair, even for a short time, anything can happen at any time. You can be fit and active one day and paralyzed the next. An accident or disease can severely limit your mobility.

We never really think about that possibility, but it is there and increases, as we get older. If that time ever comes, knowing what types of wheelchairs are available would be very useful.

Battery Assisted Wheelchair

Essentially, there are two kinds of wheelchairs available, the manual type and the electric powered type. Choosing the right one will depend on your finances and how much assistance you will require. Manual wheelchairs are much less expensive and are easier to transport compared to the electric powered ones.

Manual wheelchairs come with many different features such as arm and footrests that can be adjusted, tilting, fabric seats that breathe, cup holders and heavy duty frames for heavier users. Some of the more popular wheelchair makers include Karman, Medline, Nova, Pride, Invacare and ShopRider.

Wheelchair Selection Based on Your Needs

When looking for a wheelchair, consider your need not what someone else is using their chair for.  Take into account your height, weight and mobility limitations. What are you going to be using it for?

How often are you going to be using it? etc. If the main use is going to be indoors, it should be small enough to easily get around the hallways and through the door ways.

If you are the outdoors type, then the wheelchair will have to navigate various types of terrain and you will need bigger tires for better stability.

There are wheelchairs for all shapes, sizes and heights from small children to those over 6′ tall. Some chairs are specifically built to accommodate weights up to 500 pounds. Wheelchairs can be customized to fit almost any need.

Do you like sports? If you like sports such as tennis, basketball, or any type of active sport, you can find a chair to allow you to take part in the activities you love.

Comfort is the Number 1 Priority for Individuals

Online retailers have a huge selection of chairs to suit your every need. Even if you see the perfect model online, you will want to find a nearby store that you can actually try it out before making the final purchase. Comfort is very important, especially if you plan to be in it for extended periods.

Many different power wheelchairs are on the market and you can find one that suits your every need. Some power chair features include, tilt or full lay back, leg elevation, go up to 10mph.

All these features are intended to give you mobility and comfort you are looking for and most importantly your independence. If you cannot safely manoeuvre a manual wheelchair, it might be time to look into a power wheelchair to regain your mobility and independence.


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