Folding Transport Wheelchair Easy Compact Mobility

See how easy it is to fold your wheelchair.

Foldable for Ultimate Transportability

Foldaway transport wheelchairs have an advantage over non-foldable wheelchairs in that they allow you to fold the chair into a portable and compact shape.

Foldable Wheelchairs are made for people that are looking for compact ability, as they will use the chair and store it in their car or storage space. These type of users need to have a foldable frame that is easy to prop open and close.

How Compact Is a Foldable Chair?

Portable chairs are very compact because they can be folded into a minimal size that allows you to carry and store your chair with ease. Folding transport chairs are extremely adjustable, they are available with many options and features including armrests, leg rests, backrests, and other options and accessories.

For even more portability, you can remove the footrests on your wheelchair before storing or folding it, so that you can carry around with ease, the weight would not be an issue.

If you would like an even more compact folded wheelchair, you can order the chair with quick release wheels which would allow you to remove the wheels for easier storage and lugging.

An Folding Transport Wheelchair Easy Compact Mobility may be best for you if you need:

  • An advanced, lightweight, compact wheelchair that folds, and can be transported with or without the rear wheels
  • A wheelchair that’s exceptionally adjustable and adaptable, including in the long-term toward changing conditions and needs
  • An easy to propel wheelchair that performs well indoors and out
  • A wheelchair tailored to your seat size
  • A vast array of options and accessories

A portable wheelchair ultralight may not be best for you if you need:

Does It Have a Lightweight Frame?

Folding-frame ultralights fold for compact storage, not only in automobile trunks, but also behind the front seats of larger sedans for independent drivers. Swing-away leg rests are typical front frame riggings on a folding frame; however, a fixed front-end with a flip-up footplate is an option on many folding models that provides a more rigid, responsive wheelchair.

For those with advanced needs, folding frames offer more adjustability and options than any other class of wheelchair, with aspects like a fully-adjustable wheelbase, center-of-gravity, seat-to-floor height, camber, and backrest height as standard.

Which Type of Folding Transport Wheelchair Easy Compact Mobility Is Right For Me?

The ease of foldable assistive technology.



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