Disadvantages of the Manual Wheelchair

People who are physically challenged sometimes feud over whether a power wheelchair is better than a manual wheelchair. Depending on your daily needs, you may need to choose whether you feel a manual or a power chair is suited for you. With so much information easily available for potential buyers, you can get lost in knowing what you really need versus what you would want.

A common misconception is that power wheelchairs are without argument the best type of wheelchair available. This is proven to be false on many merits. The most effective argument against power wheelchairs is that the user is going to use the joystick all the time without any sort of physical activity in the process.

This means that with a power wheelchair you are no longer required to propel the wheels with your upper extremities, you can just use the joystick without ever needing to propel again.

Physical Activity for Wheelchair Users

Physical activity with wheelchair users has proven to be a lifesaver when it comes to longevity and being healthy overall. Wheelchair users, who use manual wheelchairs, tend to use more energy while also keeping their body in good physical shape.

This is especially true with active wheelchair users, as they are constantly using their limbs to propel on their own. With a power wheelchair this activity is seemingly lost altogether.


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