Best Wheelchair for College

What would be the best wheelchair to use in a college or university campus? I would suggest an ultra light chair that is foldable so that you can easily propel and be able to easily prop it up into a vehicle trunk or a storage space.

Since you more than likely have a small living space while in school, you will need to make sure that there is enough room for the potential wheelchair you will be buying.

Dorm Room Accessibility

Most of the time a wheelchair user will be assigned a room that has wheelchair accessibility and amenities that are designed to be accessible for wheelchair users. Measuring the door width in the building you will be staying in is very important.

If you are just going to be attending class and don’t plan on becoming a resident in the campus, then you will need to talk with all of your professors and scout out all the rooms you will be visiting frequently.

Pre-Emptive Check Up

This will give you time to see whether you can easily access these rooms without any issues. If you do come across any issues, you will have enough time to drop classes that are not wheelchair accessible.

While you can also advocate for these rooms to become wheelchair accessible, that may take longer than it would to drop the class and find another one that may be accessible.


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