Picking an Ultra lightweight Wheelchair

Virtually all wheelchair makers have a line of ultra-lightweight wheelchairs, which offers the user a wide selection. Picking the right ultra-lightweight wheelchair can be tricky, but we have broken the choice down into 3 major categories which are Rigid, Folding and Titanium. Keep reading to find out some of the answers to the questions you might be asking yourself.

Rigid Ultra-lightweight Wheelchairs

Rigid wheelchairs are the ultra-lightweight wheelchair of choice among users. They don’t have the extra mechanisms and hardware that you have in the folding frame wheelchair, which makes it lighter and increases the performance and response. These wheelchairs include basics such as flip-up armrests, push handles, Spinergy SPOX wheels and front casters that light up.

Folding Ultra-lightweight Wheelchairs

A folding ultra-lightweight wheelchair is a better choice if you need to transport your wheelchair behind a car seat or if you must have fold away leg rests. You won’t be sacrificing much performance or weight. Not only do you get all the benefits of a rigid wheelchair you also get the option of an easy to fold away chair. 

Titanium Ultra-lightweight Wheelchairs

Titanium provides strength, durability, built-in shock absorption along with lightweight and has become the metal of choice. They also come in rigid and folding forms. Titanium wheelchairs are more labour intensive, taking 10 – 14 days to make compared to 3-5 days for materials. If money is not a problem, these are by far the best chairs to get.

Sport Chairs

If you are the outdoor or sporting type and enjoy activities like basketball, skiing, hand cycling then the sports wheelchair is your best choice. You can find a wheelchair for virtually any popular sporting activity.

Lightweight Wheelchairs

Lightweight wheelchairs provide sturdy support without the bulk and weight of regular wheelchairs. You can get both transport and self-propelled lightweight wheelchair models. Some models you can use for both purposes by just switching out the wheels. Popular brands include Everest Jennings, Drive Medical and Nova.

Finding the Chair for You

Lightweight wheelchairs are made from light frames that are very strong. You can personalize your chair by choosing the upholstery, colors and patterns. For your comfort, you can also add on fold-down footrests and armrests that are detachable. There are also foldable models that are easy to store and transport.

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