Mowing and Lawn Maintenance Sitting Down in Wheelchair

Mowing the grass helps to maintain a tidy and healthy looking lawn. Cutting the grass promotes stronger growth as well as finer grasses that give the lawn a smooth and even look.

Lawns will usually require 30 cuts annually, however your lawn will grow slower the less you cut it. Annual or regular maintenance will also be helpful to your lawn.

How to make mowing simpler

  • Close cropped lawns require mowing more frequently. The longer 1 inch cut only needs to be mowed once weekly during the summer.
  • Daisies, clover and additional “weeds” help to maintain a greener lawn in dry weather. Just leave them in place and you can reduce your weeding time.
  • It is easier to mow a lawn that is level with a path since you won’t have to plan which direction to mow the lawn and you can avoid reversing, turning or overlapping when it isn’t needed.
  • You should reinforce the lawn if you use a wheelchair. A semi rigid netting like Netlon Turfguard that allows the grass to grow through it can be used.
  • If the whole lawn is a bit too much just mow the pathways or think about making your lawn smaller.
  • If the lawn upkeep is too much, consider replacing it with hard surfaces or paving.

Being careful

  • Using a mower will strain your arms, back and legs. Mow in small patches, don’t do too much at once. Do a few stretches to warm up before starting.
  • Be sure the power mower has reliable speed controls and you should place seats close to the lawn so you can take regular breaks.
  • Any electrical equipment should have a residual circuit breaker.

Tools and equipment for lawn mowing

  • A strong wheelchair user could possibly work with a light  hover mower but remember it will have to be carried instead of being wheeled into position. An alternative might be a small wheeled electric mower.
  • A robotic battery powered mower would be suitable if your lawn is a basic shape. A perimeter wire is used to guide the mower that automatically cuts the lawn.
  • Depending on your specific disability, a ride-on mower would be a good option for larger lawns.
  • A grass box on the mower reduces the amount of grass left on the lawn.

Lawn maintenance

  • Lawn feed can be applied evenly with a lawn feed applicator which is useful if you can walk with a stick or use a wheelchair. Weed killer can also be applied in this manner.
  • Lawn edging can be done while kneeling, one-handed or battery powered grass shares can be used for this but do not over stretch.


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