Advantages of High-End Fitness Walkers AKA Rollators

The rolling walker or sometimes referred to as “rollator” has been around for a while as a perfect solution for people in need of a walking aid. It was initially popular in Europe before making its way to the US. It has become a very popular mobility aid in the US medical equipment industry because of its highly functional design and easy to use components.

Commonly described as a standard walker that has 4 small wheels, although there are some models that come with a three-wheel base. Some people use it to get around the house or even to travel outdoors, others may use it to accompany them on their exercise routines when they can no longer hold their balance or have trouble walking without assistance.

What Type of Rollator is it?

The design and components of a rollator vary depending on what company manufactured it and whether it is a standard or transport rollator, which is also common. The easiest way to describe this type of mobility device is that it has a four-wheel base, comes with handlebars to support the user, and is designed to be extremely easy to fold. This type of device comes standard with handlebar brakes to allow the user full control of the wheels and how fast they are moving.

The handlebar brakes usually feature a pressure release mechanism that can be easily adjusted to the user’s hand strength. This type of braking system is truly suited for individuals who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, where the rollator can be parked when the user is standing without walking.

Foldable Frame

One of the most popular accessories that are used along with a rollator is a handlebar or under the seat basket that can be used for storage or when you need to go shopping, you can put things down inside the basket.

The foldable design allows the user to easily contract the frame and store in very small spaces. This also means that it’s very easy to store it in a vehicle. Since this may be used as a medical device, you should check with your doctor to make sure that he recommends this type of device for your current condition.


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